Agenda de actividades del Dr. Hector GarcÃa GarcÃa en el Congreso SOLACI-SOCIME 2018
- August 1st | 12.45h - 13.00h | Digital Plaza: Round Table: What is Quantitative flow ratio (QFR) and which is its utility?
- August 3rd | 09.15h - 09.30h | Digital Plaza: Round table: OCT for the evaluation of plaque progression and regression
- August 3rd | 11.10h - 11.30h | Coronary Room: Key Note Lecture: The impact of the HFU in the treatment of complex coronary lessions
- August 3rd | 11.30h - 11.40h | Coronary Room: Round table: Biodegradable polymer drug-eluting stents
- August 3rd | 13.10h - 13.30h | Coronary Room Key Note Lecture: Potential stent thrombosis mechanisms with bioabsorbable platform
Consulte todas las actividades del Congreso AQUÍ